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Our online search tool helps you locate and purchase original replacement parts for your appliance. You will only need the model number (E-Nr). It is normally located in the area of the door or on the rating plate of the appliance itself. The instruction manual is good for your appliance to learn and proceed correctly. Trust our technical service to request a repair online, comfortably at any time, from anywhere. Each repair request is analyzed in advance and possibly spare parts are sent to the technician in advance of the visit. For this, it is necessary that you have the exact model of your appliance that you will find on the nameplate. It is something much simpler if you register your appliances on the website. If you have forgotten where you kept the manual of your appliance, we will help you find it. Just enter the code, a set of numbers and letters that identifies your appliance, and you can download the manual. Consult all the information about your appliance with our Online Assistant. To access all the specific information about your appliance (manuals, spare parts, warranties ...), as well as help to solve small breakdowns, it is necessary to enter and know the code. This code can be found on the rating plate of the appliance itself. We are at your disposal 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by phone and email. We are here for everything you need to know if you have a problem with your appliance and you need to request a visit from a technician. Here you can consult it or download it in an online format. Our instruction manuals contain essential information for your appliance. With the interactive assistant, you will get answers to many doubts and you will have access to all the information available for your appliance. Enjoy Spares4Appliances discount code and promo offer!