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Discover our unique collection of Italian designer lighting from the 20th century. Order vintage lighting collection for indoors and outdoors and avail free delivery anywhere in the UK. Our collection of high-quality designer vintage lighting is inspired by the 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s until the 90s era. These pieces of fixtures come exclusively from independent professional dealers located in the UK and all over the world, who have entrusted us with their most beautiful pieces for sale. All this allows you to have a unique and secure trust for online shopping with confidence. Click on Modelight promo codes and voucher code to grab the instant discount.
Find the original designer LED lamps and lights, wire lights, bulbs, wall and ceiling lighting and more. We offer classic designer furniture for sale. Order authentic period pieces from the 1950s to 1970s for the most part. Some pieces are more recent re-editions; this is then clearly indicated in the product description. We work exclusively with professional dealers: all the pieces presented on the site are from gallery owners and specialized antique dealers. Get Modelight discount code and promo codes
This allows us to guarantee control over the origin of the parts you buy. In addition, all the parts put on sale are controlled by independent professional experts specialized in twentieth-century design, to guarantee its authenticity. Finally, it’s time to opt for authenticity that will be given to you with your fixtures carried out by our expert partners.
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